How are mobile makerspaces utilized in schools?
Iwata, Megumi; Pitkänen, Kati; Ylioja, Jani; Sánchez Milara, Iván; Laru, Jari (2019-05-28)
Megumi Iwata, Kati Pitkänen, Jani Ylioja, Iván Sánchez Milara, and Jari Laru. 2019. How are Mobile Makerspaces Utilized in Schools?. In Proceedings of the FabLearn Europe 2019 Conference (FabLearn Europe '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 14, 3 pages. DOI:
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To explore diverse means to apply digital fabrication in formal education, this poster presents an overview of the literature regarding the use of mobile makerspaces in K-12 school contexts. Among the reviewed literature, mobile makerspace activities were integrated with school curriculums, especially in STEM fields, and teachers were highly involved in planning and implementing the activities. We noticed that technology experts support the activities as well as teachers’ professional development by providing technical assistance. Our findings contribute to uncover the current practices of mobile makerspaces and call for in-depth scientific investigation.
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