Energy efficiency fairness for multi-pair wireless-powered relaying systems
Nguyen, Kien-Giang; Vu, Quang-Doanh; Tran, Le-Nam; Juntti, Markku (2018-09-27)
K. Nguyen, Q. Vu, L. Tran and M. Juntti, "Energy Efficiency Fairness for Multi-Pair Wireless-Powered Relaying Systems," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 357-373, Feb. 2019. doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2018.2872377
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We consider a multi-pair amplify-and-forward relay network where the energy-constrained relays adopting the time-switching protocol harvest energy from the radio-frequency signals transmitted by the users for assisting user data transmission. Both one-way and two-way relaying techniques are investigated. Aiming at energy efficiency (EE) fairness among the user pairs, we construct an energy consumption model incorporating rate-dependent signal processing power, the dependence on output power level of power amplifiers’ efficiency, and nonlinear energy harvesting (EH) circuits. Then, we formulate the max-min EE fairness problems in which the data rates, users’ transmit power, relays’ processing coefficient, and EH time are jointly optimized under the constraints on the quality of service and users’ maximum transmit power. To achieve efficient suboptimal solutions to these nonconvex problems, we devise monotonic descent algorithms based on the inner approximation (IA) framework, which solve a second-order-cone program in each iteration. To further simplify the designs, we propose an approach combining IA and zero-forcing beamforming, which eliminates inter-pair interference and reduces the numbers of variables and required iterations. Finally, extensive numerical results are presented to validate the proposed approaches. More specifically, the results demonstrate that ignoring the realistic aspects of power consumption might degrade the performance remarkably, and jointly designing parameters involved could significantly enhance the EE.
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