Selective negative-ion formation from core-valence doubly excited states of the water molecule
Stråhlman, Christian; Moog, Bruno; Ertan, Emelie; Odelius, Michael; Kivimäki, Antti; Richter, Robert; Sankari, Rami (2018-11-26)
Stråhlman, C., Moog, B., Ertan, E., Odelius, M., Kivimäki, A., Richter, R., Sankari, R. (2018) Selective negative-ion formation from core-valence doubly excited states of the water molecule. Physical Review A, 98 (5), 053432. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.98.053432
© 2018 American Physical Society. Published in this repository with the kind permission of the publisher.
This study focuses on the role of negative-ion formation in the decay of core-valence doubly excited water molecules. Combining negative- and positive-ion coincidence measurements with calculated energies of core-valence doubly excited states, we find that O⁻ and H⁻ production is enhanced selectively. In particular, we suggest that O⁻ production is correlated to double occupancy of the antibonding 4a₁ virtual orbital, while H⁻ appears at electronic states with double occupancy in 2b₂. We also show that H⁻ and O⁻can be created as a result of electron recapture close to the O 1s ionization potential.
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