Study of glucose concentration influence on blood optical properties in THz frequency range
Gusev, S. I.; Demchenko, P. S.; Litvinov, E. A.; Cherkasova, O. P.; Meglinski, I.V.; Khodzitsky, M. K. (2018-06-06)
Gusev, S., Demchenko, P., Litvinov, E., Cherkasova, O., Meglinski, I., Khodzitsky, M. (2018) Study of glucose concentration influence on blood optical properties in THz frequency range, 389-400. doi:10.17586/2220-8054-2018-9-3-389-400
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The optical properties of whole human blood with the different glucose level were studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy at frequencies ranging from 0.3–0.5 THz. The increasing of refractive index of blood at the glucose level growth was shown for series of experiments. The dispersion of complex refractive index of human nails was obtained. Based on these data, the non-invasive glucose measuring technique was proposed which utilizes the reflection of the THz pulse from nail plate/nail bed interface.
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