Resource management for QoS support in cognitive radio networks
Arshad, Kamran; MacKenzie, Richard; Celentano, Ulrico; Drozdy, Arpad; Leveil, Stéphanie; Mange, Geneviève; Rico, Juan; Medela, Arturo; Rosik, Christophe (2014-03-14)
K. Arshad et al., "Resource management for QoS support in cognitive radio networks," in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 114-120, March 2014. doi: 10.1109/MCOM.2014.6766095
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Cognitive radio technology is a key enabler to reuse a finite, scarce, and expensive resource: the radio spectrum. Guaranteeing required levels of QoS to cognitive users and ensuring necessary protection to incumbent users are the two main challenges in opportunistic spectrum access. This article identifies the main requirements and challenges for QoS support in cognitive radio networks. A framework for a twofold cognitive manager is presented; one part managing spectrum availability on longer timescales and the other handling resource management on shorter timescales. This article gives particular focus to the functionalities of the latter cognitive manager related to resource management. Finally, we present a few key scenarios and describe how QoS can be managed with the proposed approach without disturbing the communications of incumbent users.
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