Let’s Talk about Children Evaluation (LTCE) study in northern Finland : a multiple group ecological study of children’s health promotion activities with a municipal and time-trend design
Kujala, Veikko; Jokinen, Jaana; Ebeling, Hanna; Pohjola, Anneli (2017-07-13)
Kujala V, Jokinen J, Ebeling H, et al. Let’s Talk about Children Evaluation (LTCE) study in northern Finland: a multiple group ecological study of children’s health promotion activities with a municipal and time-trend design. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015985. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-015985
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Introduction: Making change towards child and family-based and coordinated services is critical to improve quality, outcomes and value. The Let’s Talk about Children (LTC) approach, which consists of brief psychoeducational discussions with parents of kindergarten-aged and school-aged children, has been launched as a municipality-specific programme in the Council of Oulu Region. The aim of this paper is to present a protocol of an ecological study evaluating the group-specific effects of an intervention about LTC activities in a geographically defined population. The programme is designed to promote children’s socioemotional well-being.
Methods and analysis: A quasi-experimental ecological study protocol is implemented to evaluate whether systematic LTC practices improve children’s well-being. A multi-informant setting covers 30 municipalities in northern Finland and involves all the municipal teachers, social and healthcare workers. In each municipality, a Local Management Team is responsible for implementing the LTC programme and collecting the annual data of LTC discussions and network meetings. The outcome data are retrieved from child welfare statistics and hospital registers. The population data, child welfare statistics and referrals to hospitals was retrieved at baseline (2014), and will be retrieved annually. Furthermore, the annual data of LTC discussions and network meetings will be collected of the years 2015–2018.
Ethics and dissemination: The study design has been approved by the management of the Oulu University Hospital in accordance with the guidelines given by The Regional Ethics Committee of the Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District in Oulu, Finland. All data are treated and implemented according to national data security laws. Study findings will be disseminated to provincial and municipal partners, collaborative community groups and the research and development community. The Let’s Talk about Children Evaluation study databases will guide future regional development action and policies.
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