Reconfiguration of 5G radio interface for positioning and communication
Saloranta, Jani; Destino, Giuseppe (2017-10-26)
J. Saloranta and G. Destino, "Reconfiguration of 5G radio interface for positioning and communication," 2017 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Kos, 2017, pp. 898-902. doi: 10.23919/EUSIPCO.2017.8081337
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In addition to high data rate, millimeter-wave technology has great potential to provide extremely high localization accuracy. In this paper, we outline the benefits of this technology for positioning and their main applications, which are no longer confined to services only but also to improve communication. We shall focus on the trade-off between data communication and positioning looking the reconfiguration mechanisms of the radio interface. Specifically, in this paper we investigate a trade-off between achievable data rate and positioning capability via position and rotation error bound analysis, with the aim of achieving an optimal trade-off.
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