Optimum transmission rate in fading channels with Markovian sources and QoS constraints
Qasmi, Fahad; Shehab, Mohammad; Alves, Hirley; Latva-Aho, Matti (2018-10-15)
F. Qasmi, M. Shehab, H. Alves and M. Latva-Aho, "Optimum Transmission Rate in Fading Channels with Markovian Sources and QoS Constraints," 2018 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Lisbon, 2018, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/ISWCS.2018.8491037
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This paper evaluates the performance of reliability and latency in machine type communication networks, which composed of single transmitter and receiver in the presence of Rayleigh fading channel. The source’s traffic arrivals are modeled as Markovian processes namely Discrete-Time Markov process, Fluid Markov process, and Markov Modulated Poisson process, and delay/buffer overflow constraints are imposed. Our approach is based on the reliability and latency outage probability, where transmitter not knowing the channel condition, therefore the transmitter would be transmitting information over the fixed rate. The fixed rate transmission is modeled as a two state Discrete time Markov process, which identifies the reliability level of wireless transmission. Using effective bandwidth and effective capacity theories, we evaluate the trade-off between reliability-latency and identify QoS requirement. The impact of different source traffic originated from MTC devices under QoS constraints on the effective transmission rate are investigated.
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