Edge computing meets millimeter-wave enabled VR : paving the way to cutting the cord
Elbamby, Mohammed S.; Perfecto, Cristina; Bennis, Mehdi; Doppler, Klaus (2018-06-11)
M. S. Elbamby, C. Perfecto, M. Bennis and K. Doppler, "Edge computing meets millimeter-wave enabled VR: Paving the way to cutting the cord," 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Barcelona, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/WCNC.2018.8377419
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In this paper, a novel proactive computing and mmWave communication for ultra-reliable and low latency wireless virtual reality (VR is proposed. By leveraging information about users’ poses, proactive computing and caching are used to pre-compute and store users’ HD video frames to minimize the computing latency. Furthermore, multi-connectivity is exploited to ensure reliable mmWave links to deliver users’ requested HD frames. The performance of the proposed approach is validated on a VR network serving an interactive gaming arcade, where dynamic and real-time rendering of HD video frames is needed and impulse actions of different players impact the content to be shown. Simulation results show significant gains of up to 30% reduction in end-to-end delay and 50% in the 90 th percentile communication delay.
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