Re-engineering IoT systems through ACOSO-Meth : the IETF CoRE based agent framework case study
Savaglio, Claudio; Leppänen, Teemu; Russo, Wilma; Riekki, Jukka; Fortino, Giancarlo (2018-09-20)
Savaglio, Claudio; Leppänen, Teemu; Russo, Wilma; Riekki, Jukka; Fortino, Giancarlo (2018) Re-Engineering IoT Systems through ACOSO-Meth : the IETF CoRE based agent framework case study. In Cossentino et al. eds. Proceedings of the 19th Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2018), Palermo, Italy, June 28-29, 2018, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol 2215, pp. 81-89.
© 2018 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
The Agent-based Cooperating Smart Objects methodology (ACOSO-Meth) fully supports the systematic development of Internet of Things (IoT) systems from analysis to implementation by tackling their manifold requirements (e.g., self-management, distributed smartness, interoperability). At the same time, ACOSO-Meth allows the re-engineering of existing IoT systems, thus enhancing their maintainability, reusability and extensibility. In such direction, this paper (i) first presents the integration of the resource-oriented agent framework complying with the IETF Constrained RESTful Environment (CoRE) framework into ACOSO-Meth; then (ii) reports a case study to exemplify the re-engineering of a resource-constrained agent application through the ACOSO-Meth metamodel-driven approach.
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