A study on false alarm cancellation for spectrum usage measurements
Mizuchi, Riki; Umebayashi, Kenta; Lehtomäki, Janne J.; López-Benítez, Miguel (2017-05-04)
R. Mizuchi, K. Umebayashi, J. J. Lehtomaki and M. Lopez-Benitez, "A Study on False Alarm Cancellation for Spectrum Usage Measurements," 2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW), San Francisco, CA, 2017, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/WCNCW.2017.7919111
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Two-layer smart spectrum access (SSA) consists of spectrum sharing based on dynamic spectrum access (DSA: first layer) and spectrum awareness system (SAS: second layer). A main role of SAS is providing useful statistical information in terms of spectrum usage by long term, wide-band and wide-area measurements. In this paper, we focus on signal area (SA) estimation which is a core signal processing in SAS to understand the spectrum usage. Specifically, SA estimation is used as post processing for energy detector outputs. It has been shown that Simple-SA (S-SA) estimation can enhance the spectrum usage measurement performance, but it inherently increases false alarms. For this issue, efficient false alarm cancellation technique, L-shaped false alarm cancellation (L-FC), is proposed in this paper. Numerical evaluations show that the proposed method can achieve proper detection performance while the computational cost is small compared to other methods.
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