Future military mobile radio communication systems from electronic warfare perspective
Saarnisaari, Harri; Bräysy, Timo (2017-06-26)
H. Saarnisaari and T. Bräysy, "Future military mobile radio communication systems from electronic warfare perspective," 2017 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS), Oulu, 2017, pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1109/ICMCIS.2017.7956494
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Detection devices are becoming more wideband, faster scanning and their signal processing capabilities are increasing. In addition, sophisticated jamming devices have become rather powerful. As a consequence, threats to military radio communications have increased such that it is about time to discuss what features future military radio systems should have in order to battle against these increased menaces. This paper fills this gap by considering this problem from the point of view of electronic warfare physics. The result is a set of features that would help in the engagement. Furthermore, it discusses what effects these features have for radio system design. The proposed features add new properties, compared with legacy radios, that require new control functionalities that have to cooperate with old ones as well as together and also add radio hardware. Therefore, corresponding research problems will not be easily solved.
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