Development of 5G CHAMPION testbeds for 5G services at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games
Won, Seok Ho; Mueck, Markus; Frascolla, Valerio; Kim, Junhyeong; Destino, Giuseppe; Pärssinen, Aarno; Latva-aho, Matti; Korvala, Aki; Clemente, Antonio; Kim, Taeyeon; Kim, Il-Gyu; Chung, Hyun Kyu; Calvanese Strinati, Emilio (2017-12-21)
S. H. Won et al., "Development of 5G CHAMPION testbeds for 5G services at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games," 2017 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Sapporo, 2017, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/SPAWC.2017.8227644
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This paper describes the first available 5G testbeds as designed by 5G CHAMPION, a collaborative research project undertaken by over twenty consortium members and targeting the provision of 5G services at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Korea. In order to provide 5G services such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), high quality, interactive multi-player video games, the testbeds shall fulfill the challenging requirements such as ultra-high data rates, ultra-reliable low latency, and mass connectivity. To meet such requirements, revolutionary testbed architectures are proposed, designed to be flexible, cost- and energy-efficient, through adopting state-of-art multi-radio access technologies (RAT) in client devices and in the network. The testbeds will also provide mmWave wireless backhaul, an interoperable and seamless connection between two different access networks located in Europe and on the site of the Korean Winter Olympic Games.
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