UWB differentially-fed circular monopole antenna with stable radiation pattern
Antonino-Daviu, Eva; Sonkki, Marko; Ferrando-Bataller, Miguel; Salonen, Erkki (2017-05-18)
E. Antonino-Daviu, M. Sonkki, M. Ferrando-Bataller and E. Salonen, "UWB differentially-fed circular monopole antenna with stable radiation pattern," 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Paris, 2017, pp. 2663-2667. doi: 10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928394
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A small UWB circular monopole antenna with a differential feed is presented in this paper, as a solution to increase the stability of the radiation pattern of a single-fed circular monopole antenna. A detailed characteristic modes analysis is presented in order to support the selection of the feeding mechanism. Simulated active-S parameter is shown for the proposed antenna, showing a good matching for the UWB frequency range. Normalized surface current distributions are presented, and 3D radiation patterns are compared to a reference monopole. The antenna structure shows more stable and omnidirectional radiation patterns over the studied frequency range compared to a same sized single-fed reference monopole.
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