Identity privacy preserving biometric based authentication scheme for Naked healthcare environment
Kumar, Tanesh; Braeken, An; Liyanage, Madhusanka; Ylianttila, Mika (2017-07-31)
T. Kumar, A. Braeken, M. Liyanage and M. Ylianttila, "Identity privacy preserving biometric based authentication scheme for Naked healthcare environment," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, 2017, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/ICC.2017.7996966
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Recent developments in Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have already put a huge impact on the medical and health sector. Thus, the patient treatment can be performed in more efficient ways compared with traditional methods. Secure identification is a key system requirement for patients to acquire these health related services. Fast and convenient identification is important in the case of critical and elderly or disabled patients who required frequent health services. In this paper, we are presenting concept of the Naked environment where patients can get health services from smart and intelligent surroundings of hospital without using explicit gadgets. Patients would have direct interaction with the environment and get identified through it. We propose a biometric based authentication scheme for the Naked hospital environment that also protects the patients identity privacy. In addition, we show that this authentication scheme can resist various well known attacks such as insider attacks, replay attacks and identity privacy among others.
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