Delay analysis for wireless D2D caching with inter-cluster cooperation
Amer, Ramy; Butt, M. Majid; Bennis, Mehdi; Marchetti, Nicola (2018-01-15)
R. Amer, M. M. Butt, M. Bennis and N. Marchetti, "Delay Analysis for Wireless D2D Caching with Inter-Cluster Cooperation," GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Singapore, 2017, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2017.8254693
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Proactive wireless caching and D2D communication have emerged as promising techniques for enhancing users’ quality of service and network performance. In this paper, we propose a new architecture for D2D caching with inter- cluster cooperation. We study a cellular network in which users cache popular files and share them with other users either in their proximity via D2D communication or with remote users using cellular transmission. We characterize the network average delay per request from a queuing perspective. Specifically, we formulate the delay minimization problem and show that it is NP-hard. Furthermore, we prove that the delay minimization problem is equivalent to minimization of a non-increasing monotone supermodular function subject to a partition matroid constraint. A computationally efficient greedy algorithm is proposed which is proven to be locally optimal within a factor 2 of the optimum. Simulation results show more than 45% delay reduction compared to a D2D caching system without inter-cluster cooperation. Index Terms-D2D caching, queuing analysis, delay analysis.
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