Cognitive spectrum portfolio optimisation, approaches and exploitation
Karla, Ingo; Bitó, Janos; Bochow, Bernd; Celentano, Ulrico; Csurgai-Horváth, László; Grønsund, Pål; López-Benítez, Miguel; Samano-Robles, Ramiro (2013-08-20)
I. Karla et al., "Cognitive Spectrum Portfolio Optimisation, Approaches and Exploitation," European Wireless 2013; 19th European Wireless Conference, Guildford, UK, 2013, pp. 1-6.
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A major challenge for cooperative cognitive radio networks is the creation and optimisation of a suitable spectrum portfolio, utilised by the radio nodes in the process of dynamic spectrum management. This paper presents several optimisation approaches for spectrum portfolios. Their characteristics are discussed regarding a variety of different scenarios, and it is shown how different approaches can complement each other to optimise the overall spectrum management, in particular considering spectrum portfolio optimisation under mobility and QoS constraints. Special consideration of upcoming TV whitespace communication use cases is shown in this discussion.
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