Highly efficient representation of reconfigurable code based on a radio virtual machine : optimization to any target platform
Ivanov, Vladimir; Jin, Yong; Choi, Seungwon; Destino, Guiseppe; Mueck, Markus; Frascolla, Valerio (2017-10-26)
V. Ivanov, Y. Jin, S. Choi, G. Destino, M. Mueck and V. Frascolla, "Highly efficient representation of reconfigurable code based on a radio virtual machine: Optimization to any target platform," 2017 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Kos, 2017, pp. 893-897. doi: 10.23919/EUSIPCO.2017.8081336
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ETSI has developed a novel Software Radio Reconfiguration framework encompassing technical, certification and security solutions. Compared to legacy Software Reconfiguration technology, such as the Software Communications Architecture, the ETSI solution is designed for lowest overall power consumption and efficiency. For this purpose, a novel approach for Code Portability has been developed — a Radio Virtual Machine based mechanism allows converting a given algorithm into a generic representation, which is then, optimized for the specific hardware resources available on a target platform. This contribution explains the basic principles and outlines how Code Portability is achieved while meeting the objectives in terms of power consumption and complexity.
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