Reproducing standard SCME channel models for massive MIMO base station radiated testing
Fan, Wei; Zhang, Fengchun; Jämsä, Tommi; Gustafsson, Mattias; Kyösti, Pekka; Pedersen, Gert F. (2017-05-18)
W. Fan, F. Zhang, T. Jämsä, M. Gustafsson, P. Kyösti and G. F. Pedersen, "Reproducing standard SCME channel models for massive MIMO base station radiated testing," 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Paris, 2017, pp. 3658-3662. doi: 10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928380
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Massive MIMO is a multi-user technology, where radio base stations (BSs) are equipped with a large number of antennas to simultaneously serve many terminals in the same time-frequency resource. Performance evaluation of such large-scale antenna systems in the design and development stage is challenging. In this paper, we propose to evaluate massive MIMO BSs with a sectorized multi-probe anechoic chamber (MPAC) setup. A sectorized MPAC setup with 16 probe antennas distributed uniformly within [-60°, 60°] in azimuth domain is utilized to reproduce target channel models. A 8 × 8 and a 16 × 16 uniform planar array at 3.5 GHz are selected as the BS under evaluation, respectively. Radio channel emulation accuracies in terms of power-angular spectrum, spatial correlation and beamforming pattern are investigated for the proposed MPAC setup and desired channel models.
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