Software Defined Monitoring (SDM) for 5G mobile backhaul networks
Liyanage, Madhusanka; Okwuibe, Jude; Ahmed, Ijaz; Ylianttila, Mika; López Pérez, Oscar; Uriarte Itzazelaia, Mikel; Montes de Oca, Edgardo (2017-07-11)
M. Liyanage et al., "Software Defined Monitoring (SDM) for 5G mobile backhaul networks," 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Osaka, 2017, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/LANMAN.2017.7972144
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Software Defined Network (SDN) is an advanced approach to designing dynamic, manageable, cost-effective, and adaptable network architectures. SDN will play a key role as an enabler for 5G and future networks. Transferring network monitoring functions to a software entity working in conjunction with configurable hardware accelerators through a scheme called Software Defined Monitoring (SDM) is one promising way to attain the dynamism necessary for the monitoring of the next generation-networks. In this paper, we propose a novel SDM architecture for future mobile backhual networks. As an SDN solution, the proposed architecture provides more granular and dynamic network management functions through its programmable interface, centralized control, and virtualized abstractions. At the same time, the SDM framework intuitively seem prone to various challenges that come with the separation of the control and data planes of middleboxes. This paper collects specific opportunities, vulnerabilities as well as challenges related to SDM. It also highlights how SDM can be used to solve the current limitations in legacy monitoring systems. The feasibility of the proposed SDM architecture is verified by using a testbed implementation.
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