Opportunistic scheduling of machine type communications as underlay to cellular networks
Ali, Samad; Rajatheva, Nandana (2018-02-12)
S. Ali and N. Rajatheva, "Opportunistic Scheduling of Machine Type Communications as Underlay to Cellular Networks," 2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Toronto, ON, 2017, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/VTCFall.2017.8288159
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In this paper we present a simple method to exploit the diversity of interference in heterogenous wireless communication systems with large number of machine-type-devices (MTD). We consider a system with a machine-type-aggregator (MTA) as underlay to cellular network with a multi antenna base station (BS). Cellular users share uplink radio resources with MTDs. Handling the interference from MTDs on the BS is the focus of this article. Our method takes advantage of received interference diversity on BS at each time on each resource block and allocates the radio resources to the MTD with the minimum interference on the BS. In this method, BS does not need to take the interference from MTD into account in the design of the receive beamformer for uplink cellular user, hence, the degrees of freedom is not used for interference management. Our simulation results show that each resource block can be shared between a cellular user and an MTD, with almost no harmful interference on the cellular user.
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