A study on channel model for THz band
Tsujimura, Kazuhiro; Umebayashi, Kenta; Kokkoniemi, Joonas; Lethomäki, Janne (2017-01-19)
K. Tsujimura, K. Umebayashi, J. Kokkoniemi and J. Lethomäki, "A study on channel model for THz band," 2016 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Okinawa, 2016, pp. 872-873
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Impulse response of the terahertz band (0.1–10 THz) for wireless nanosensor networks is considered. For wireless communication analysis and modeling, the impulse response is very important. In the earlier works, the impulse response has been derived from the transmittance by assuming a linear phase shift. However, the linear phase shift only leads to a symmetric impulse response before and after the LoS propagation delay. Physically, it is impossible for a signal to arrive before the LoS propagation delay since this violates causality. In this paper, a phase shift function leading to an impulse response satisfying causality is derived. The validity of the derived model is shown by comparison between measurements and results predicted by the theory.
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