Experimental investigation into laser ranging with sub-ns laser pulses
Hintikka , Mikko; Kostamovaara, Juha (2017-11-24)
Hintikka , Mikko
Kostamovaara, Juha
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Hintikka, M., Kostamovaara, J. (2018) Experimental investigation into laser ranging with sub-ns laser pulses. IEEE Sensors Journal, (), 1-1. doi:10.1109/JSEN.2017.2777501
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Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
We present a high precision time-of-flight laser radar system based on energetic (~ 0.6 nJ) sub-ns laser pulses produced with a semiconductor laser diode. The proposed device has a single-shot precision of < 5 mm at an SNR of 10 and a maximum walk error < 500 ps in the dynamic range 1:250. Sub-mm precision can be achieved in ranging by means of averaging. The proposed laser radar can be used for monitoring tiny vibrations in distant targets, for example.
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