Novel algorithms for high-accuracy joint position and orientation estimation in 5G mmWave systems
Talvitie, Jukka; Valkama, Mikko; Destino, Giuseppe; Wymeersch, Henk (2018-01-25)
J. Talvitie, M. Valkama, G. Destino and H. Wymeersch, "Novel Algorithms for High-Accuracy Joint Position and Orientation Estimation in 5G mmWave Systems," 2017 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), Singapore, 2017, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2017.8269069
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We propose a method for accurate estimation of the User Equipment (UE) position and antenna orientation. For this, we exploit the sparsity of the mm-wave channel, and employ a compressive sensing approach with iterative refinement steps for accurate estimation of the channel parameters, including the departure and arrival angles as well as the time-of-arrival for each observed propagation path. Based on the estimated channel parameters, we formulate an iterative Gibbs sampler to obtain statistical descriptions for the unknown UE position and orientation along with the unknown scatterer positions, even in the absence of a Line-Of-Sight path.
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