Inter-operator dynamic spectrum sharing : a stochastic optimization approach
Joshi, S. K.; Manosha, K. B. S.; Codreanu, M.; Latva-aho, M. (2017-03-30)
S. K. Joshi, K. B. S. Manosha, M. Codreanu and M. Latva-aho, "Inter-operator dynamic spectrum sharing: A stochastic optimization approach," 2017 13th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), Jackson, WY, 2017, pp. 124-127. doi: 10.1109/WONS.2017.7888759
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The problem of spectrum sharing between two operators in a dynamic network is considered. We allow both operators to share (a fraction of) their licensed spectrum band with each other by forming a common spectrum band. The objective is to maximize the gain in profits of both operators by sharing their licensed spectrum bands rather than using them exclusively, while considering the fairness among the operators. We use the notion of cooperative games, and model this problem as a two-person bargaining problem. The bargaining problem is cast as a stochastic optimization problem, which can be solved by using the elegant theory of Lyapunov optimization.
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