Innovation instruments to co-create needs-based solutions in a living lab
Haukipuro, Lotta; Väinämö, Satu; Hyrkäs, Pauliina (2018-05-01)
Haukipuro, L., Väinämö, S., & Hyrkäs, P. 2018. Innovation Instruments to Co-Create Needs-Based Solutions in a Living Lab. Technology Innovation Management Review, 8(5): 22-35.
© 2018 The Authors. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
This multiple case study focuses on co-creation facilitated with innovation instruments in three different environments — a school, a hospital, and an airport — in which 12 SMEs and startups developed solutions based on predefined needs of customer organizations, and where stakeholders actively participated through user involvement methods facilitated by a living lab. The article provides new knowledge regarding the benefits of the co-creation, user involvement, and use of the living lab approach within different contexts. Our findings show concrete benefits of co-creation for stakeholders such as companies, customer organizations, and end users. Based on our results, we propose a new, generic model for using innovation instruments to facilitate co-creation for the development of needs-based products and services in different service domains.
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