Large ameloblastic fibro‑odontoma in a 7‑year‑old girl with analysis of 108 cases
Kirjavainen, Antti; Tuovinen, Veikko; Sándor, George K. (2016-07-12)
Kirjavainen A, Tuovinen V, Sándor GK. Large ameloblastic fibro-odontoma in a 7-year-old girl with analysis of 108 cases. Ann Maxillofac Surg 2016;6:15-20
© 2016 Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.
Background: Odontogenic tumors such as ameloblastic fibro‑odontoma (AFO) are rare conditions in children and are often asymptomatic. AFOs are found by routine clinical and radiological examination or when they cause obvious intra‑ or extra‑oral swelling.
Materials and Methods: A case of an AFO in a 7‑year‑old girl is described, and 107 cases from the literature and this report are analyzed.
Results: The total of 108 cases revealed the average age at presentation of AFO to be 6.3 years in boys and 9.6 years in girls. There was a slight male predilection and AFO lesions most often occurred in the posterior mandible. AFO was almost always associated with an unerupted tooth or teeth.
Conclusions: While the recurrence rate of AFO was found to be 5.5%, long-term postoperative clinical and radiological follow-up is advised to ensure no future signs of aggressive recurrence.
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