Development of the measurement method for challenging NLOS conditions in mobile networks
Heikkilä, Marjo; Erkkilä, Juha; Koskela, Marjut; Heikkilä, Joni; Kupiainen, Tuomo; Tervonen, Jouni; Migliore, Marco (2017-10-23)
Heikkilä, Marjo; Erkkilä, Juha; Koskela, Marjut; Heikkilä, Joni; Kupiainen, Tuomo; Tervonen, Jouni; Migliore, Marco 2017 Development of the measurement method for challenging NLOS conditions in mobile networks. In: 2017 IEEE International Workshop on Measurement and Networking (M&N). 27-29 Sept 2017, Villa Doria D’Angri Naples, Italy, pp. 1-6,
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The aim of this paper is to introduce the measurement method for challenging Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) conditions in mobile networks. The need to develop the measurement method appeared LTE (Long Term Evolution) uplink (UL) performance with different antenna technologies when receiving NLOS signal in field tests. Many challenges appeared during the study. This paper introduces the challenges and presents solution.
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