Are smartphones ubiquitous? : an in-depth survey of smartphone adoption by seniors
Berenguer, Anabela; Goncalves, Jorge; Hosio, Simo; Ferreira, Denzil; Anagnostopoulos, Theodoros; Kostakos, Vassilis (2016-12-16)
A. Berenguer, J. Goncalves, S. Hosio, D. Ferreira, T. Anagnostopoulos and V. Kostakos, "Are Smartphones Ubiquitous?: An in-depth survey of smartphone adoption by seniors," in IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 104-110, Jan. 2017. doi: 10.1109/MCE.2016.2614524
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Substantial ongoing research now uses smartphones as a research platform for various studies and interventions. With the aging population becoming a frequent focus of research, an increasing number of studies and projects attempt to develop technological interventions for the elderly population. The extent to which the elderly population (i.e., seniors) adopts and uses smartphones is not clear. Many studies acknowledge that today’s seniors are not particularly keen on using smartphones, but in the near future we can expect this trend to change.
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