Ultra reliable short message relaying with wireless power transfer
Alcaraz López, Onel L.; Demo Souza, Richard; Alves, Hirley; García Fernández, Evelio Martín (2017-07-31)
Alcaraz López, Onel L.; Demo Souza, Richard; Alves, Hirley; García Fernández, Evelio Martín (2017) Ultra reliable short message relaying with wireless power transfer. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Gesbert, D. et al. (eds)
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We consider a dual-hop wireless network where an energy constrained relay node first harvests energy through the received radio-frequency signal from the source, and then uses the harvested energy to forward the source’s information to the destination node. The throughput and delay metrics are investigated for a decode-and-forward relaying mechanism at finite blocklength regime and delay-limited transmission mode. We consider ultra-reliable communication scenarios under discussion for the next fifth-generation of wireless systems, with error and latency constraints. The impact on these metrics of the blocklength, information bits, and relay position is investigated.
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