The annual excursion of the Nordic Bryological Society (NBS) and the Finnish Bryophyte Expert Group to Kuusamo (Finland) in 2014
Juutinen, Riikka; Åkesson, Richard; Syrjänen, Kimmo; Virtanen, Risto (2016-06-13)
Juutinen,R., Åkesson,R., Syrjänen, K. and Virtanen, R. (2016)The annual excursion of the Nordic Bryological Society (NBS) and the Finnish Bryophyte Expert Group to Kuusamo (Finland) in 2014. Lindbergia 39: 20–23
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The Nordic Bryological Society had its annual meeting and excursion on 21 to 24 of August 2014 in Kuusamo, Koillismaa biogeographical province (Ks) in northeast Finland close to Russian border. In total 23 participants attended the extremely rainy excursion. Despite the weather we made nice discoveries of Red Listed species typical for Kuusamo area e.g. Arnellia fennica, Campylophyllum halleri, Conocephalum salebrosum, Palustriella commutata and Philonotis calcarea. Lophozia pellucida was discovered new to Finland from Vasajängänoja. Encalypta alpina and Riccardia incurvata were collected for the first time from Ks. Total of 47 nationally Red Listed and seven regionally threatened species were recorded during the excursion.
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