Privacy as a service : protecting the individual in healthcare data processing
Su, Xiang; Hyysalo, Jarkko; Rautiainen, Mika; Riekki, Jukka; Sauvola, Jaakko; Maarala, Altti Ilari; Hirvonsalo, Harri; Li, Pingjiang; Honko, Harri (2016-11-11)
Su, Xiang
Hyysalo, Jarkko
Rautiainen, Mika
Riekki, Jukka
Sauvola, Jaakko
Maarala, Altti Ilari
Hirvonsalo, Harri
Li, Pingjiang
Honko, Harri
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Su, X., Hyysalo, J., Rautiainen, M., Riekki, J., Sauvola, J., Maarala, A., Hirvonsalo, H., Li, P., Honko, H. (2016) Privacy as a Service: Protecting the Individual in Healthcare Data Processing. Computer, 49 (11), 49-59. doi:10.1109/MC.2016.337
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(c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.
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Health applications involve many data sources, individuals, and services that work against guarantees that an individual’s personal data will not be used without consent. The proposed privacy-centered architecture integrates data security and semantic descriptions into a trust-query framework, enabling the provision of user consent as a service.
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