Elements of the industrial operation model in the Iranian construction industry
Fatemi, Mohammad Hossein (2022-12-13)
Fatemi, Mohammad Hossein
M. Fatemi
© 2022 Mohammad Hossein Fatemi. Ellei toisin mainita, uudelleenkäyttö on sallittu Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) -lisenssillä (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Uudelleenkäyttö on sallittua edellyttäen, että lähde mainitaan asianmukaisesti ja mahdolliset muutokset merkitään. Sellaisten osien käyttö tai jäljentäminen, jotka eivät ole tekijän tai tekijöiden omaisuutta, saattaa edellyttää lupaa suoraan asianomaisilta oikeudenhaltijoilta.
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The construction industry is notorious for its conservatism and low levels of productivity. During the previous decade, this industry lagged behind other efficient and profitable industries, such as the automobile industry, and was slow to adopt its best practices. The rate of development in this industry is not very encouraging. This research aims to adopt best practices and efficient systems from other industries into the construction industry. This research aims to create a model for a case study of Iranian construction companies to achieve the objective of a productive construction industry.
In this study, several important Iranian construction companies that mostly operate as contractors were chosen for the case study. The author prepared the semi-structured interview to collect empirical data. The interview topic and questions were derived from a survey of the relevant research literature to determine the main elements of the industrial operation model (IOM). Following the interview, the data was evaluated to illustrate the existing status of Iranian construction companies, and then a model was developed for IOM.
The data indicate that Iranian construction companies are well behind other industries, such as automotive, in terms of industrial operation model and productivity. The research reveals the limited product lifecycle engagement, simple portfolio management, limited data strategy, lack of advanced visualization, and marketing and sales processes. This study employs empirical data to establish a methodology for Iranian construction companies to maximize their IOM benefits. In the created model, construction companies are present throughout the product lifecycle, from the feasibility study through the sale, marketing, and operation stage. According to this model, organizations could profit from improved alliance contracts, more income from more work, effective data strategy and knowledge management, and enhanced production processes. To accomplish this, they must reorganize their business operations and place greater emphasis on portfolio management, data strategy, and marketing and sales processes, resulting in enhanced productization.
In this study, several important Iranian construction companies that mostly operate as contractors were chosen for the case study. The author prepared the semi-structured interview to collect empirical data. The interview topic and questions were derived from a survey of the relevant research literature to determine the main elements of the industrial operation model (IOM). Following the interview, the data was evaluated to illustrate the existing status of Iranian construction companies, and then a model was developed for IOM.
The data indicate that Iranian construction companies are well behind other industries, such as automotive, in terms of industrial operation model and productivity. The research reveals the limited product lifecycle engagement, simple portfolio management, limited data strategy, lack of advanced visualization, and marketing and sales processes. This study employs empirical data to establish a methodology for Iranian construction companies to maximize their IOM benefits. In the created model, construction companies are present throughout the product lifecycle, from the feasibility study through the sale, marketing, and operation stage. According to this model, organizations could profit from improved alliance contracts, more income from more work, effective data strategy and knowledge management, and enhanced production processes. To accomplish this, they must reorganize their business operations and place greater emphasis on portfolio management, data strategy, and marketing and sales processes, resulting in enhanced productization.
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