The role of classroom management in the formation of teachers’ well-being
Csepregi, Alexander (2022-08-01)
Csepregi, Alexander
A. Csepregi
© 2022 Alexander Csepregi. Ellei toisin mainita, uudelleenkäyttö on sallittu Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) -lisenssillä ( Uudelleenkäyttö on sallittua edellyttäen, että lähde mainitaan asianmukaisesti ja mahdolliset muutokset merkitään. Sellaisten osien käyttö tai jäljentäminen, jotka eivät ole tekijän tai tekijöiden omaisuutta, saattaa edellyttää lupaa suoraan asianomaisilta oikeudenhaltijoilta.
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Teacher well-being is essential not just for teachers themselves, but for every stakeholder in shools. If teachers experience their job positively and are satisfied with it, they will perform their day-to-day tasks better, will be less likely to leave the profession, and their students will be more likely to succeed academically. Given this tremendous importance of teacher well- being, understanding how it can be promoted is crucial for every stakeholder.
While there are many factors that comprise teacher well-being, this thesis will show that how teachers deal with classroom management is of primary significance to the formation of their well-being. If teachers can utilize effective classroom management strategies, they will experience their interactions with students much more positively, their students will perform better academically, and this will create a positive cycle that leads to better outcomes for both teachers and students.
This thesis is a literature review of previous research that was deemed relevant. First, different components and conceptualizations of teacher well-being will be explored. Then, how classroom management and teacher well-being are connected will be examined. Lastly, some effective classroom management strategies will be discussed.
While there are many factors that comprise teacher well-being, this thesis will show that how teachers deal with classroom management is of primary significance to the formation of their well-being. If teachers can utilize effective classroom management strategies, they will experience their interactions with students much more positively, their students will perform better academically, and this will create a positive cycle that leads to better outcomes for both teachers and students.
This thesis is a literature review of previous research that was deemed relevant. First, different components and conceptualizations of teacher well-being will be explored. Then, how classroom management and teacher well-being are connected will be examined. Lastly, some effective classroom management strategies will be discussed.
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