Viitteet 1-10 / 1265
Reformointi- ja pelkistysprosessien kaasuvirtausten simulointi ReGenGas-projektissa
(University of Oulu, 2006-11-07)
Kuorintaprosessin analyysi ja mallintaminen
(University of Oulu, 2004-09-21)
Numerical lithospheric modelling: rheology, stress and deformation in the central Fennoscandian Shield
(University of Oulu, 2005-12-07)
Development of the adreno-genital system : female sex determination, ovarian and adrenal gland ontogeny regulated by Wnt-4 in mice
(University of Oulu, 2002-11-08)
Paperikoneen katkoherkkyysindikaattori
(University of Oulu, 2004-09-21)
Säätötekniikan laboratorion opetuskokeiluja II : apuopettaja opettajan apuna
(University of Oulu, 2004-09-21)
Spectrum sharing for future mobile cellular systems
(University of Oulu, 2009-11-10)
Characterization of mitochondrial 2-enoyl thioester reductase involved in respiratory competence
(University of Oulu, 2003-05-23)
Embodiment in Dalcroze Eurhythmics
(University of Oulu, 2004-10-12)