Viitteet 1-10 / 62
Uveitis in children : prevalence, incidence, epidemiology, visual outcome, treatment and ocular complications
(Oulun yliopisto, 2024-06-07)
Natural history of polycystic ovary syndrome and new advances in the epidemiology
(Thieme, 2021-08-31)
Worldwide prevalence of rhinitis in adults : a review of definitions and temporal evolution
(Springer Nature, 2022-03-11)
EpiMetal : an open-source graphical web browser tool for easy statistical analyses in epidemiology and metabolomics
(Oxford University Press, 2020-01-16)
Rhinovirus spread in children during the COVID-19 pandemic despite social restrictions : a nationwide register study in Finland
(John Wiley & Sons, 2021-08-12)