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Adolescent ADHD and family environment—an epidemiological and clinical study of ADHD in the Northern Finland 1986 Birth Cohort
(University of Oulu, 2007-05-08)
Risk factors for sudden cardiac death from an acute ischemic event in general population : a case-control study
(University of Oulu, 2009-04-14)
Epidemiological and diagnostical aspects of prostatitis
(University of Oulu, 2001-09-20)
Geographical study on childhood type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) in Finland
(University of Oulu, 2004-03-20)
Intellectual disability in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986
(University of Oulu, 2008-01-22)
Cancer of the tongue in Finland : incidence, detection, survival and prognostic factors
(University of Oulu, 2000-10-24)