Viitteet 31-40 / 165
Relationship between BMI and emotion-handling capacity in an adult Finnish population : the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966
(Public Library of Science, 2018-09-26)
Brain response to facial expressions in adults with adolescent ADHD
(Elsevier, 2019-09-06)
Smoking is associated with ulnar nerve entrapment : a birth cohort study
(Springer Nature, 2019-07-01)
Cohort profile : the DynaHEALTH consortium – a European consortium for a life-course bio-psychosocial model of healthy ageing of glucose homeostasis
(Oxford University Press, 2019-04-10)
Nuorten kannabiksen käyttö, aivojen kehitys ja psykiatriset häiriöt
(Suomen lääkäriliitto, 2019-08-16)
Cloninger’s temperament dimensions and longitudinal alcohol use in early midlife : a Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 Study
(John Wiley & Sons, 2018-07-31)