Viitteet 11-20 / 41
Food and nutrient intakes by temperament traits : findings in the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
(Springer Nature, 2018-06-19)
Development of late circadian preference : sleep timing from childhood to late adolescence
(Elsevier, 2017-12-06)
Naturally occurring circadian rhythm and sleep duration are related to executive functions in early adulthood
(John Wiley & Sons, 2017-07-20)
Reaction times, learning, and executive functioning in adults born preterm
(Springer Nature, 2020-03-19)
Maternal antenatal stress and mental and behavioral disorders in their children
(Elsevier, 2020-09-15)
Physical activity, mental health, and well-being in very pre-term and term born adolescents : an individual participant data meta-analysis of two accelerometry studies
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2021-02-10)