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Plasma heme scavengers alpha-l-microglobulin and hemopexin as biomarkers in high-risk pregnancies
(Frontiers Media, 2018-04-04)
Associations of antenatal glucocorticoid exposure with mental health in children
(Cambridge University Press, 2019-01-28)
Infant regulatory behavior problems during first month of life and neurobehavioral outcomes in early childhood
(Springer Nature, 2018-11-03)
Maternal pre-pregnancy overweight and gestational diabetes and dietary intakes among young adult offspring
(Springer Nature, 2020-07-23)
Maternal depressive symptoms during and after pregnancy and child developmental milestones
(John Wiley & Sons, 2018-04-18)
Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of DNA methylation and childhood asthma
(Elsevier, 2018-12-21)