Selaus nimekkeen mukaan kokoelmassa
Viitteet 34977-34996 / 46238
Robust self-protection against application-layer (D)DoS attacks in SDN environment
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 19.06.2020) -
Robust semi-supervised classification based on data augmented online ELMs with deep features
Knowledge-based systems (Elsevier, 21.07.2021) -
Robust sequential biophysical fractionation of blood plasma to study variations in the biomolecular landscape of systemically circulating extracellular vesicles across clinical conditions
Journal of extracellular vesicles : 10 (Informa, 14.08.2021) -
Robust sound source localization using convolutional neural network based on microphone array
Intelligent automation & soft computing : 1 (Tech Science Press, 26.07.2021) -
Robust Tracking Control of Heterogeneous Robots With Uncertainty: A Super-Exponential Convergence Neurodynamic Approach
IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering (IEEE, 05.09.2023) -
Robust visual tracking via collaborative and reinforced convolutional feature learning
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition workshops (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 09.04.2020) -
Robustness of solar-cycle empirical rules across different series including an updated active-day fraction (ADF) sunspot group series
Solar physics (Springer Nature, 11.01.2021) -
Rock-muusikoiden yhtyeharrastukseen liittyvä informaatiokäyttäytyminen
(A. Karjalainen, 20.05.2015) -
Rockwool waste in fly ash geopolymer composites
Journal of material cycles and waste management : 3 (Springer Nature, 27.05.2016) -
Rodent host population dynamics drive zoonotic Lyme Borreliosis and Orthohantavirus infections in humans in Northern Europe
Scientific reports (Springer Nature, 09.08.2021) -
Rodun käsitteestä, vielä kerran
Skeptikko (Skepsis, 30.06.2021) -
"Rohkea, oikea minä" : transsukupuolisten nimenvalinta
(H. Heiska, 19.12.2023) -
Rohkeasti ääntä päin! : musiikkikasvatuksen merkitys varhaiskasvatuksessa
(H. Hautanen, 01.06.2023) -
Rokotekriittisyyden esiintyminen
(P.-L. Sorvari, 27.05.2019)Rajoitetun näkyvyyden opinnäytteet ovat luettavissa vain OuluREPO-työasemilla: -
Rokotteet, rokotekehitys ja Pandemrix
(J. Ruotsalainen, 03.05.2021)Rajoitetun näkyvyyden opinnäytteet ovat luettavissa vain OuluREPO-työasemilla: -
Rokua Geopark houkutteli kotimaisia matkailijoita koronapandemian aikana
Tervareitti : 28.07.2023 (Tervareitti, 28.07.2023) -
The role and mechanisms of angiotensin II in regulating the natriuretic peptide gene expression in response to cardiac overload
Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. D, Medica : 675 (University of Oulu, 17.05.2002) -
The role of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases in epigenetic regulation of cancer
Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. D, Medica : 1487 (University of Oulu, 24.10.2018) -
The role of 5G for digital healthcare against COVID-19 pandemic : opportunities and challenges
ICT express : 2 (Elsevier, 04.11.2020) -
The role of <em>BACH1</em>, <em>BARD1</em> and <em>TOPBP1</em> genes in familial breast cancer
Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. D, Medica : 1019 (University of Oulu, 16.06.2009)